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Deep Knowledge Group Enhances Scope of 2023 Techno-Philanthropic DeepTech for Social Good Projects

Deep Knowledge Group (DKG) is a consortium of commercial and non-profit organizations active on many fronts in the realm of DeepTech and Frontier Technologies (AI, Longevity, FinTech, GovTech, InvestTech), ranging from scientific research to investment, entrepreneurship, analytics, media, philanthropy and more.

Having been committed since 2014 to the corporate thesis of DeepTech for social impact, techno-ethical business for social good, and the continual reinvestment of profits into the expansion of our core Data Science, AI and analytics assets and the refinement of our financial-ecosystemic development projects (which we see as the major tool driving our Group’s further growth as a Data Science driven financial corporation with focus on Longevity and DeepTech), Deep Knowledge Group’s strategic agenda for 2023-2025 is based on a vision that has stably driven its activities for nearly a decade, and in many respects constitutes the culmination of its activity, work and in-development projects since its founding.

The Group’s developments during 2022 has established a very strong foundation for the execution of its strategic agenda in 2023 and beyond. During the past year the Group has seen the launch of a wide array of new projects, events and Big Data Analytical Dashboards, a substantial strengthening of its Data Science assets, and significant progress in its ongoing work to develop the technological, financial and ecosystemic frameworks and instruments to support the accelerated development of DeepTech and Longevity Industrialization and Financial Commoditization, the establishment of an integral financial infrastructure for their further growth and stabilization, and the emergence of DeepTech and Longevity as new asset classes of themselves.

However, as a consortium committed to the techno-ethical principle of DeepTech for social good, and the accelerated delivery of emerging technologies’ primary humanitarian benefits for global society and national economies, it places just as much emphasis on its Techno-Philanthropic and nonprofit activities as it does its financial and commercial ventures and projects. DKG has entered 2023 with a renewed, intensified and enhanced commitment to this side of its short and long-term operational vision. Here, we would like to outline a brief survey of the recent projects we have launched in this vein, and which we intend on further supporting, growing, and accelerating with continued and renewed support throughout 2023.

Championing the Techno-Ethical Imperative of Techno-Philanthropy Through the Further Growth of Deep Knowledge Philanthropy

Deep Knowledge Philanthropy was founded in 2021 to carry forward and build upon the philanthropic vision of Deep Knowledge Group: to leverage technology as the most efficient driver of actionable, tangible social good, supporting innovations, science, charitable, and sponsorship projects internationally.

To this end, Deep Knowledge Philanthropy was established with the mandate of “using DeepTech to deliver 10x-50x the social impact on humanity than the philanthropy ecosystem average”, and the commitment to use the latest proprietary DeepTech innovations to further progress in the socially-inclusive development of DeepTech itself and the delivery of technologies' foremost humanitarian impacts in an accelerated, smarter, and more efficient manner - a concept and new paradigm for the global philanthropic ecosystem that we call Techno-Philanthropy.

Following a set of key organizational workshops among its globally distributed teams and personnel, Deep Knowledge Group has renewed its commitment to further support an expanded scope of 2023 Deep Knowledge Philanthropy projects and activities, and the inclusion of the philanthropy-focused umbrella of DKG as a core pillar of its strategic agenda for 2023-2025.

Philanthropy.International (Techno-Philanthropy Platform)

Philanthropy.International is a next-generation platform built by Deep Knowledge Philanthropy, a subsidiary of Deep Knowledge Group, burdened with the vision of deploying frontier technologies to efficiently maximize social impact and create social good. We are driven by the core belief that technology is an effective tool to drive social change and impact, herein lies the core mandate of Philanthropy International - to deploy frontier technologies (Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain) to tackle the vastly different social challenges in global philanthropy to build a more equitable world. We are creating a secure traceability system for maximum visibility and transparency, coupled with a smart matching tool that streamlines the entire process - making it easier than ever before to support good causes.

In January 2023 Deep Knowledge Philanthropy launched the Philanthropy.International Platform with the assistance of Deep Knowledge Group’s AI and Data Science Division as the first full-scope tool for matching charities, donors, and volunteers. The unique approach is developed to eliminate the concerns of philanthropy industry players regarding the proper money allocations in the charity sector. We profiled 4,950 businesses with purpose, 6,900 charities, 14,995 non-profits, 3,665 investors, > 530k data points and 50 parameters and built the worlds-first Philanthropy Big Data Analytical System & Dashboard delivering on-demand market intelligence analytics through data coverage across the Philanthropy Industry. We are on a mission to grow our database by 100K and fully document the vibrant philanthropy ecosystem.

ATLAS (Assistive Technology, Longevity and Ageing Society)

2022 also saw the establishment of ATLAS (Assistive Technology, Longevity and Ageing Society) at a launch event in the UK House of Lords, with substantial support by Deep Knowledge Group and Deep Knowledge Philanthropy. ATLAS seeks to help inform and guide the public and private sectors to embrace the UK’s growing AssistiveTech, Longevity and AgeTech industries and to operate with a level of awareness that no longer excludes the senior community and those living with disabilities. Stemming from the notion that technology is a major enabler of social inclusion, the initiative aims to leverage partnerships through convening tech founders, venture philanthropists, and impact investors to deliver a future of technology for all.

ATLAS also announced in January 2023 a new strategic partnership with the Biogerontology Research Foundation, the UK’s longest-standing Longevity-focused charity, founded in 2007, as well as the appointment of its Director, Roxy Iqbal, to the BGRF’s Board of Trustees. The Biogerontology Research Foundation was an early supporter of ATLAS’ work, having provided significant in-kind support for its formal establishment, as well as in-kind support for the logistics, organisation and execution of ATLAS’s inaugural in-person event and informal launch at the UK House of Lords, where Biogerontology Research Foundation Head of Policy and Outreach (Ian Inkster) and Managing Trustee Dmitry Kaminskiy both spoke.

It is expected that the newly formed alliance will boost the Biogerontology Research Foundation’s long-standing objective to extend perceptions of the more traditional limits of biogerontology among key science, technology, industry and policy decision makers to include high-impact tech sectors like AgeTech and AssistiveTech, with high levels of market readiness and social impact, opening opportunities for cross-industry collaboration with stakeholders, while significantly extending the reach of ATLAS’ initiatives aimed at champion the AssitiveTech industry and its potential to drive social inclusion, promoting healthy Longevity and its importance to society and industry, and restoring the Technological Rights of the UK’s senior community.

Keep an eye out next year for ATLAS’ Technological Responsibility Index, which will seek to rank and benchmark, via neutral, data-driven metrics, the overall levels of support provided by UK tech companies of the further development of the nation’s AssistiveTech and AgeTech Ecosystems, as well as their own levels of corporate and infrastructural inclusivity and accessibility.

Expansion of Scope of Activities of 5th Industrial Revolution Institute

In 2022 DKG also launched a new social enterprise, 5th Industrial Revolution Institute, built with the express purpose of carrying forward DKG’s long-standing vision and mission to ensuring that all necessary technological and infrastructural components of the 5th Industrial Revolution are in place before the year 2030, and its mission to do as much as possible to personally and practically pave the way for its emergence.

The institute will conduct sophisticated long-term technology forecasting and help ensure stable 5-IR technology development via AI-driven SWOT analyses to identify and neutralise risk factors. The institute will embody and carry forward DKG’s characteristically ecosystemic approach, utilising the integral fusion of sophisticated analytics with investment, internal entrepreneurship and financial industry activities to stabilise, optimise and accelerate DeepTech and Longevity industry, technology and infrastructure development, and safeguard the foundational basis for the 5th Industrial Revolution. Keep a keen eye out for news, practical developments and the first fruits of this highly strategic project in 2023.

New Strategic Partnerships, Trustee Appointments and Expanded Scope of 2023 Plans for Biogerontology Research Foundation

In January 2023 the UK’s longest standing continually-active charity focused on Longevity (founded in 2008 and led by Deep Knowledge Group General Partner Dmitry Kaminskiy in his capacity as Managing Trustee since 2015) announced the appointment of Ilia Stambler, Ph.D., and Roxy Iqbal to its board of directors, and the formation of new strategic partnerships with Israel-based Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life and UK-based ATLAS (Assistive Technology, Longevity and Ageing Society), which will serve to extend and enhance its long-standing mandate to promote and support the accelerated delivery of Longevity Industrialisation’s major social dividends for the mutual benefit of citizens and national economies.

Incoming trustee Ilia Stambler, Ph.D. has been recognised for many years as a prominent Longevity thought-leader, and has served as an executive committee member of the International Society on Aging and Disease (ISOAD), and as a fellow and policy director at the Global Healthspan Policy Institute. As a board member of the International Longevity Alliance (ILA), Ilia was actively involved in the ILA and Biogerontology Research Foundation’s successful joint 2018 initiative to add a new World Health Organization-approved extension code (XT9T) for 'ageing-related' during ICD-11, and has subsequently carried forward additional work on the classification of ageing as a medical condition via future ICD revisions by the WHO.

Alongside Stambler's appointment, the charity has also announced the formation of a formal strategic partnership with Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, for which Ilia currently serves as Chairman. Co-founded by former Israeli Minister for Senior Citizens Rafi Eitan, the leading Israeli non-profit acts for the advancement of healthy longevity for the entire population through scientific research, technological development, medical treatment, public health and educational measures, advocacy and social activism. The strategic partnership will focus initially on building an effective technological bridge for international Longevity collaboration between the UK and Israel, and will also encompass other aspects of international collaboration across science, policy and industry.

The partnership between BGRF and VETEK will create new, exciting opportunities to extend its existing mandates of supporting a higher degree of cross-sector, cross-border international collaboration for the extension of population-level healthy longevity for the mutual benefit of citizens and national economies. The BGRF plans to work with them to support and intensify VETEK’s existing involvement with BIRAX Ageing (Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership on Ageing), the multimillion-pound initiative of the British Council and the British Embassy for exploring possible applications of regenerative medicine to ageing in order to deliver on the BGRF mandate of creating a technological and industrial triangle between the UK, Israel, and Switzerland.

Alongside these exciting developments, the Biogerontology Research Foundation has also announced its appointment of Roxy Iqbal, Director of ATLAS (Assistive Technology, Longevity and Ageing Society) as well as the Longevity-focused retail banking and FinTech company Longevity Card, to its board of Trustees.

It is expected that the newly formed alliance between ATLAS and the BGRF will boost the charity’s long-standing objective to extend perceptions of the more traditional limits of biogerontology among key science, technology, industry and policy decision makers to include high-impact tech sectors like AgeTech and AssistiveTech, with high levels of market readiness and social impact, opening opportunities for cross-industry collaboration with stakeholders.

As part of the new partnership, and following the addition of 18 new incoming volunteers, department heads and analysts in January 2023, the Biogerontology Research Foundation will be launching a 2023 Summer Internships Programme with ATLAS and Vetek (Seniority) Association, with remote opportunities available for Ukrainian and Eastern European students and in-person opportunities for UK students. This initiative is being led by Biogerontology Research Foundation volunteers Ian Inkster and Arian Mirzarafie Ahi, who hope to broaden the broaden the geographical scope of the foundation's outreach, sponsorship, and collaboration activities with student societies, moving beyond Oxbridge to other areas of the UK and beyond. Any interested student representatives are encouraged to write to us at

Continued Support of the Canadian Longevity Alliance

In Q4 2021, Deep Knowledge Philanthropy and the Biogerontology Research Foundation Our foundation provided substantial in-kind support for the launch of the Canadian non-profit organization Canadian Longevity Association (Corporation Number 1352499-0), and currently serve as a members of the Board of Directors alongside six other Co-Directors.

The Canadian Longevity Association, incorporated on November 18 2021, aims to accelerate the introduction of effective longevity treatments and ensure their free availability to all Canadians under the provincial health care system.

Its key focus areas include:

  • Public: Increase public awareness and support for longevity research & treatments.

  • Scientific: Encourage and support Canadian researchers, improve their funding and foster connections & collaborations, as well as publicising the results of their research.

  • Commercial: Support Canadian biotech, increase private investment in this area, and facilitate the commercialisation of longevity research.

  • Governmental: Influence and help shape government policy, and increase government funding for longevity research.

In addition to providing in-kind support relating to the logistics of formal incorporation and the defining of its formal aims, mandates, mission and objectives, as well as the organization’s initial scope of activities, Deep Knowledge Philanthorpy and the Biogerontology Research Foundation also provided in-kind support alongside Aging Analytics Agency for the production of the Canadian Longevity Association’s inaugural open-access report, Longevity Industry in Canada Landscape Overview Q4 2021, released in October 2021.

Techno-Philanthropic Outlook for 2023 and Beyond

Deep Knowledge Group remains committed as always to developing and deploying reliably sophisticated and multidimensional Big Data analytics and AI driven technological forecasting and benchmarking of DeepTech, Longevity and related industries, pioneering the fundamental tools required for strategic decision making in these unprecedentedly complex and innovation-driven sectors, laying the foundation and basis for defining, thinking about and understanding the coming DeepTech Revolution.

However, more than this, the Group remains just as decisively committed to the practical execution of many of these forecasted developments by establishing the core investment and financial industry infrastructure (platforms, indices, exchanges, financial instruments and derivatives) needed to execute the concept of DeepTech and Longevity Financial Commoditization.

The pursuit of this truly ecosystemic approach, and the integral fusion of sophisticated analytics with investment, internal entrepreneurship and financial industry activities to stablize, optimize and accelerate DeepTech and Longevity industry development, is the foundation and basis for DKG’s commitment to ensuring that all necessary components of the 5th Industrial Revolution are in place before the year 2030, and its mission to do as much as possible to personally and practically pave the way for its emergence.

No small part of the road toward that vision will also necessitate our continued support of non-commercial, non-financial projects under the egis of Techno-Philanthropy and DeepTech for Social Good - something we remain fully committed to, and which we look forward to sharing the further fruits of in the coming months and beyond. Stay tuned and subscribe for further updates on these and other, related topics of interest in our upcoming newsletters. And in the meantime, as always, DKG and its Techno-Philanthropic and nonprofit branches, subsidiaries and affiliates remain open to dialogue, partnership proposals and other forms of collaboration and cooperation on the topics of DeepTech for Social Good with like-minded individuals and organisations across technology, science, governance, policy and philanthropy. If you have something that you think might be of interest to us, let us know via our contact form or at


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